You’ve experienced it before. The tell-tale end of the road that marks the
need for HR intervention. It appears as
a complaint or as a claim of harassment, discrimination, or bullying. It may lead to a termination, or worse still,
the voluntary resignation of a valued employee.
And you wonder - Why am I (especially in HR) the last to know?
HR professionals are
often the last to know about issues brewing in the workplace. Of the many hats they wear, omniscience about
the rising tensions between employees isn’t one of them. And the employees aren’t talking. Or are they?

Searching for the answer to these questions further slows
the process of managing the issues at hand.
Here are the Top 5 Situations where Intervention is
Necessary. And a hint - In each, the first step toward addressing the issue is
getting more information from those involved:
1. Repeat
Complaints. When a number of people share
the complaint, the problem is widespread. If one person is making frequent complaints,
the problem is most likely unbearable for them. In either event, recognize you're likely
hearing only the tip of the iceberg - and you need to find out more.
2. Frequent or Unexpected Turnover or Transfer Requests
Leadership issues, team or departmental dysfunction are
precipitators of turnover and transfer requests. Waiting to see a definitive pattern sends an
unfortunate message that either HR/Management doesn't recognize the problem,
doesn't know what to do about the problem, or simply doesn't care that the
problem exists.
3. Legal Concerns
When legal concerns erupt HR or Management frequently start
by getting in touch with legal, focusing on their departments' record-keeping,
and ensuring that all requisite training programs are up to date and
documented. The problem is that time is
being wasted. If the issue is minor, there is no need to perform an audit of
all record-keeping; if the issue is serious - any delay means you are losing
the opportunity to minimize damage or nip the potential problem in the bud.
4. Arguments or Tensions are Intensifying or Never-Ending
Perhaps you are aware of a problem, but no one has asked for
help and there are no concerns about bullying, harassment, or other workplace
violations. Whether there are complaints or not, on-going tensions will lead to
lowered morale, increased turnover and absenteeism, and more. Realize, the longer these problems fester,
the worse they get.
5. Tensions from Top-level Staff
Human Resource professionals often hit a brick wall when issues
come from levels equal to or above their own.
They may feel they lack the authority or simply find they lack the
courage to step in. The concern being, problems at the top are
like an avalanche, and can easily destroy all that lies beneath them. Communication between HR and the executive
level team must be fluid and open, allowing for trust, transparency, and
Knowing what to do is just the start of the journey. If you’re ready to begin addressing your
organization’s issues of leadership, teamwork, or conflict, please contact us.