Ladies, let’s face it.
We are often frustrated by the things men “get away with” both in our
personal and in our business lives. We
feel angry, disenfranchised, over-looked, or under-appreciated. Especially if we compare our work to theirs,
and feel that we are doing more. But
what is really happening? Are men really
“getting away with it”, or are we merely taking on huge, unnecessary, and
possibly unwanted burdens in the name of getting things done?

More importantly, why do so many women share in this experience
and how did we get this way? To
understand it better, we need to look beyond our current situation and to our evolutionary
beginnings in the hunter and gatherer societies.
Men – as hunters – were programmed to focus on two
particular tasks…hunting and procreation.
Their survival, and that of their gene pool, was largely based on their
ability to find a mate, and to take care of and protect themselves. Their
relationship with other hunters was predominantly competitive as each was
seeking the same limited resources.
Women were the gatherers in these prehistoric times. Gatherers scavenged for easier to obtain
foods like nuts and berries. They had to
maintain a broad focus and detailed memory of where to find these precious
resources, season after season. Gatherers
also preserved a cooperative spirit with other gatherers as their survival and
that of their progeny necessitated that they cared for each others offspring,
shared food sources, and warned one another of animal predators.
In this way, Gatherers had to multitask and socialize just
to survive the day – just as Hunters had to maintain solitary focus and take
care of themselves in order to do so. Looking
at it in modern times, things are much the same. Women tend to jump in and help out – at times
taking on the work of others. We are
quick to apologize as social relations are important. And we enjoy a lot of communication. Men on the other hand are highly competitive,
not likely to worry about their social impact, and are content to simply take
care of themselves – and procreate.
So ladies, what can we do?
Since feeling over-burdened is, at least in part, something
we bring on ourselves, than surely we can also make some changes. Here are a few ideas:
when you’ve done enough. Yes, even
if things aren’t done, have a cut-off point, but recognize that this doesn’t
mean anyone else will do the rest. To
determine your cut-off point, ask yourself in each situation, how
important/valuable the outcome will be, and compare that to the value of taking
care of yourself.
others be responsible for themselves.
Don’t check in on the progress of others unless you genuinely need
to know. No more hovering over your
children regarding homework, your spouse regarding household duties, or your
co-workers concerning project updates.
Recognize that it is not your job to oversee the work of others. Imagine what they might learn or achieve if
you step back.
Enjoy the
moment. Men are much better at this
than women are. All our planning and scheduling leaves us living in the
future. Find ways to embrace the moment
– even if everything on your to-do list is not done. Reprioritize what matters most to you, and
keep true to that list instead.
your own core nature. We evolved by
taking care of others, so this isn’t something we’re likely to be able to
release without experiencing some stress.
However, the above suggestions should help you to step back a bit more,
letting others be in charge of their own destiny. If you do, you just may reap the rewards of
feeling a little happier, a bit more relaxed, and even experiencing a little
bit of fun.
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